October 03, 2010

Simple Deli Ham Sub

Growing up, I had a favorite sub shop. Everyone from my hometown knows what I am talking about when I mention Andy's Sub Shop. It is one of those places you either love or hate. The town was always divided. Every time I ate there, I ordered the same thing  - a 12" ham sub with provolone - hold the tomatoes, onions, and hot peppers and don't forget the extra oil-vinegar mixture. Ate the whole thing - myself! Where I grew up, hot peppers were standard. You don't see that in New York City. Missing my favorite eatery today, I made a homemade version. Sandwiches aren't technically cooking, so much as as they are about proper assembly. I cut out a few things and made substitutions so it is now a wee bit better to eat. Note: In this picture, I had to take a bite).

1 Soft, Fresh Baked 10-12" Hero Roll
3-4 Slices Low-Sodium Deli Ham
2 Handfuls Fresh Mixed Greens, Roughly Torn
1/2 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2-3 Tablespoons Red Wine Vinegar (Depending on Taste)
1 Tablespoon Finely Grated Romano Cheese
2 Tablespoons Reduced-Fat Mayo

Slice hero roll the long way without cutting through. The goal is to create a pocket to hold everything. In a small bowl, combine oil and vinegar. Add the greens and mix to coat with dressing. Spread mayo into hero roll on both sides. Fold ham into half and place each slice into the roll. Place the mixed greens inside the ham folds - packing it in. Sprinkle with Romano cheese. Slice in half to serve.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

ahhhhh - Andy's (read like Homer Simpson is talking!) I don't know if it was their perfectly shredded lettuce, their amazingly flavored deli ham, the mouthwatering combination of oil/vinegar or their perfect rolls...but you aren't wrong people either love or hate them...but the ones who don't love them shouldn't count, because they have no taste!